Kalea Marie Cephus

Find out Kalea Marie Cephus’s biography, net worth, salary, height, age, relationship, spouse, family, residence, achievements, education, hobbies, social media accounts, and more.

Kalea Marie Cephus is the daughter of the popular American rapper Kiari Cephus aka Offset.

Bio and Personal Information

Birth Name Kalea Marie Cephus
Nickname Kalea Marie
Birthday March 23, 2015
Birthplace Atlanta, Georgia
Hometown Atlanta, Georgia
Age 9 years old
Profession *Still a child*
Years active No
Nationality American
Religion NA
Zodiac Sign Aries
Race/ethnicity African-American

Profession and Net Worth

Profession No
Known for Being the daughter of Offset
Net worth NA
Cars No
House/Current Residence Atlanta, Georgia
Brand Endorsement No

Kalea Marie Cephus’s Family

Kalea Maria Cephus’s dad is Offset whereas her mother’s name is Shya L’amour. Her parents no longer live together as Offset is now married to Cardi B since 2017 whereas Shya L’amour is still single.

Kalea Marie Cephus has four siblings; all her siblings are from her stepmothers.

Jordan Cephus, her half-brother was born to Offset and Justine in 2008 whereas Kody Cephus, her half-brother was born to his father and Oriel Jami on March 2, 2015. Kody is just 3 weeks elder than Kalea.

Kalea Marie has a half-sister Kulture Kiari Cephus is the youngest one who was born on July 10, 2018. Kulture Kiari’s mom’s name is Cardi B.

Father Kiari Cephus (Offset)
Mother Shya L’amour
Brothers Kody Cephus (Half-brother)
Jordan Cephus (Half-brother)
Sisters Kalea Cephus,
Kulture Kiara Cephus (Half-sister)

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School Kindergarten near her home
College/University No
Education Qualification Kindergarten

Physical Appearance

Height NA
Weight NA
Dress size NA
Shoe size 12 US
Hair color Black
Eye color Black

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Awards and Achievements

Awards won NO
Nominations NO
Best awards NO


Favorite color Red
Favorite actor NA
Favorite actress NA
Favorite destination NA
Favorite food NA
Hobbies Playing,
Watching cartoons

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Social Media Pages



How old is Kalea Marie Cephus?

Kalea Marie Cephus is 36 years old.

Why is Kalea Marie Cephus famous?

She is famous for being the daughter of the popular American rapper Offset.

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